It's been pretty predictable. For weeks now we've seen the claws come out as one media report after another has blasted us "Climate Change" deniers as everything from stupid Bubba to greedy Simon Legree in the pay of the oil industry. In the interest of setting the record straight right now, I don't see a dime from them.
Climate Change, that's the new buzzword since warming took a hike for the last decade or so. It's also a strawman since informed "climate change deniers" are nothing of the kind. Long before that name was coined we busily pointed out that the climate changes all the time instead of going through the kind of warming the IPCC was promoting ala Mann and his hockey stick graph. In fact, we've pointed out that the planet has been warming for three-hundred years.
Three hundred years ago we began to emerge from the Little Ice Age, something the IPCC cites Mann’s graph as proof never having occurred. Yet three-hundred year plus ago the Hudson used to regularly freeze over solidly enough people walked back and forth over it. Accounts of the time tell us that the water between Long Island and the mainland froze over just as solidly as well. The Mississippi froze over solidly enough as late as 1834 that families used to cross it in their covered wagons in the wintertime. When Washington took his army across the Delaware River the crossing was difficult for them, because the river was practically choked with ice flows and the situation was dangerous. In fact it was so much so that the British hadn’t even bothered to post look outs along the rivier.
During that time the Thames regularly froze over solidly enough people could travel up and down it on the ice. Londoners used to have ice festivals right on the river itself until part way into the nineteenth century. Other major rivers through out Europe did the same. That’s how cold the world was before warming occurred. But you wouldn’t know it to listen to the folks at Durban and the IPCC, much less their minions in the media.
Then, starting about three-hundred years ago, things started warming up. By the end of the nineteenth century all the aforementioned rivers had stopped freezing over regularly, and didn’t do so solidly enough for people to safely cross on foot. Those are historical facts.
So the climate does change and has been for three centuries now. And most of that warming occurred well before mankind supposedly started upping the CO2 concentration of the earth’s atmosphere in a major way. While I disagree with the premise that mankind is the major contributor to the increase in CO2 concentrations for reasons I’ve already blogged about, the global warming activists are still left with the fact that before mankind could’ve been a factor the planet was already warming.
So, we are not climate change deniers, they are because they deny the climate changed before the modern age in spite of the massive evidence it did. They point to two graphs based on cherry-picked tree ring data and deny any change occurred in the climate until man started loading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. We “deniers” are the realists since we admit the climate changes in cycles which aren’t fully understood, but documented in the historical age as well as by proxy.
Still in the face of the evidence otherwise the denial still goes on and the warmists still propose the same old worn-out solutions like a broken record, kill our economies with crippling CO2 reduction policies.
Here is a post on weather conditions during the Maunder Minimum, which couldn't have been a significant factor in the weather of the contemporary Little Ice Age if we take the position of warming scientists as to the significance of the sun's effe3cts on warming:
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