Here we go:
This is what happens when the
facts aren't really on the environmentalists’ side. Attack the messengers. Skeptics MUST be mentally diseased and need
treatment. Sorry Ms Norgaard, your PhD
is wasted. Skepticism isn't a disease,
it is founded in fact.
For many years the premise
that it is solely man’s contribution to the CO2 in the atmosphere was up for
question on several points. It is now
demonstrated scientifically that man’s contribution is so minimal it might as
well be considered miniscule. Although
man does contribute to the rise, it’s mainly on natural sources, including
massive amounts of CO2 released as the earth warms from sources locked up in
the tundra.
The feedback loops assumed to
increase warming exponentially as more CO2 enters the atmosphere are now shown
by satellite observation not to be in play.
The current “rising” of the seas is now known to be from sinking land
masses not melting ice which is strangely enough binding up more water again.
The current slight dip in
global temperatures experienced during the last decade wasn’t predicted by the
global warming models and defies the theory as to what should be
happening. We’ve seen major rivers
freeze over which haven’t in decades, watched massive casualties from cold
winters like we used to have and many other anecdotal things which defy global
warming theory.
Yet WE are the ones who are
With things not going your
way and scandal on every side in the Global warming community all you are left
with is good old attack the messenger arguments. Don’t look too close at the evidence, we’re
the experts and you can trust us. They
are mentally defective and need to be treated for not believing us. Those are the tactics of people who’ve lost
the debate because the evidence just doesn’t fit and have no recourse left but
to ridicule those who do have the facts behind them. And the really sad part of all this is that
WE are paying your salary and for whatever bogus studies you and your
colleagues may dream up to “prove” your point.
How despicable!
Look, the earth has been
warming since the late nineteenth century.
Before that there was a little ice age Dr. Mann and his cronies tried to
rewrite out of existence. The earth
warms and cools. It is an irregular
cycle which is not well understood by scientists, though my money is on the
folks who say solar activity is the main driver. I don’t think the warm has completely stopped
and we are headed into another ice age of some sort as some do. My worldview calls for some more warming
before all is said and done.
However, warming on a global
scale isn’t in our hands. We aren’t the
driver and the extreme proposals for dealing with it won’t change a thing. All they’ll do is divert resources from what
we should be doing, finding ways to adapt to it. As you divert us from that important task and
if you succeed in your agenda it won’t be us skeptics who’ll be despised
throughout history. It’ll be you.
So stop attacking us and look
for real solutions to real problems while you still can.
This essay was accidentally posted in the wrong blog last month. So I've moved it here where it belongs even though it's a little out of date. Enjoy!
This essay was accidentally posted in the wrong blog last month. So I've moved it here where it belongs even though it's a little out of date. Enjoy!
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