Thursday, October 27, 2011

Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming.

I just finished listening for about and hour to a fascinating discourse given by Professor Murry Salby given in Australia:

I sat there wishing I had access to the graphs and charts he kept referring to.  This was basically the same presentation of a paper he gave at an international climate conference which apparently has caused some stir which hasn't been well reported on.  What happens is Prof. Salby breaks down the constituent compositions of Carbon dioxide world wide, including two of its isotopes and arrives at Mankind's contribution to the assumed problem.  Salby estimates that contribution at approximately 5 out of about 160 gigatons of CO2 emissions world wide annually.

See where this is heading?  As if this weren't enough he further mentions that the chief global areas of CO2 emissions are undeveloped areas, including...drum roll...Africa, as I mentioned in another post.  So mankind contributes very little of the emissions and net increase of CO2 in the atmosphere world wide, but it doesn't stop there.  The professor further tells us that his analysis shows that the relationship of atmosphere in the atmosphere to temperature is the opposite of what the "settled science" alleges.  Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are driven by temperature, not the other way around.

This presentation is worth the effort to listen to it.

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